2016 July Adobe Official New Released 9A0-388 Q&As in Lead2pass.com!
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Test your preparation for Adobe 9A0-388 with these actual 9A0-388 questions below. Exam questions are a sure method to validate one’s preparation for actual certification exam.
Following questions and answers are all new published by Adobe Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/9a0-388.html
Which is the best use case for the new Touch Ul in AEM 6.0? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Building a separate mobile web site
B. Author creating content on a touch based device
C. End User viewing a site on a touch based device
D. Building a responsive web site
Answer: B
What would be the best way to process credit card transactions in an AEM site? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Using an external system
B. Using JavaScript
C. Using the shopping cart component
D. Storing credit card information in the JCR
Answer: A
Which statement about version purging is true? (Choose the best answer.)
A. By default the page versions are purged automatically.
B. The Purge Versions tool can be configured to run periodically.
C. Version Manager is not an out of the box feature, you should install it explicitly.
D. Version Manager can be configured to purge the old versions when a new version is created.
Answer: B
Before you create a new blog:
A. The standard page template must be available to your page
B. The social community’s template must be available to your page
C. a blog template must be available to your page
D. The feed should have been imported into the JCR
Answer: C
These Adobe 9A0-388 exam questions are all a small selection of questions. If you want to practice more questions for actual 9A0-388 exam, use the links at the end of this document. Also you can find links for 9A0-388 exam practice test software that is great for preparation and self-assessment for Adobe 9A0-388 exam.
2016 Adobe 9A0-388 exam dumps (All 45 Q&As) from Lead2pass:
http://www.lead2pass.com/9a0-388.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed!!!]